Rigel's Vacation Incentive Certificates Improve your Company’s Success Ration

Our Objective is Simple to Help you Achieve YOUR goals and Improve Business

Increase Sales

Motivate Employees

Increase Results for Advertisement Campaigns

Improve Flow Traffic & Show Rates

Travel Incentive Certificates have become the most successful and cost-efficient sales closing tools. Everybody wants a vacation! Our high-perceived value vacations are available to your company for a fraction of the price you'd expect to pay. Easy-to-use, good for 6 months from issue date.

A dedicated Incentive Team to ensure your stakeholders have the perfect reward. This is an ideal initiative to motivate employees, dealers, distributors and other key stake holders. Our packages makes the Ideal Reward / Incentive and have high perceived value.

Either readymade packages or vouchers of pre-determined values can be offered. The voucher system provides organizations with great flexibility and also allows the individual to increase the value of the purchase by paying the extra amount required for a add on Person or Program.

Group Programs - Choose from a wide variety of customized and proven programs for groups ranging from 15 to 300.

Travel Incentive Certificates have become the most successful and cost-efficient sales closing tools. Everybody wants a vacation! Our high-perceived value vacations are available to your company for a fraction of the price you'd expect to pay. Easy-to-use, good for 6 months from issue date.
A dedicated Incentive Team to ensure your stakeholders have the perfect reward. This is an ideal initiative to motivate employees, dealers, distributors and other key stake holders. Our packages makes the Ideal Reward / Incentive and have high perceived value.
Either readymade packages or vouchers of pre-determined values can be offered. The voucher system provides organizations with great flexibility and also allows the individual to increase the value of the purchase by paying the extra amount required for a add on Person or Program.